15 August 2011

Graduation cake...?

OK, so this is not the best cake that I have ever made, and would be a perfect candidate for cake wrecks . I look at ideas online and always think to myself "that looks so easy"... Not the case. My brother Andrew graduated from BYU last weekend and we had a little celebration for him. He is a wild land firefighter, which explains the shovel, the fire hose (HA!!! Didn't look like one at all), and the outfit (They must have been going through budget cuts because his uniform looks extra stupid.) Anyway, he did an internship at a crisis call center so I thought I would throw a phone and some books on there as well. The fondant was really soft so he ended up with a hunch back and a slouchy face when it started to settle. It definitely tasted better than it looked. I did a milk chocolate cake with cream cheese icing and raspberry filling. ... Long story short I am signing up for some cake decorating lessons.

Seats at the Marriott Center. Thought it was a cool picture.

Kennedy checking out the funky hat.

Paige, Jameson, Andrew, the kids and I. I am 33 weeks pregnant in this picture... I don't realize how pointy my belly is until I see it in pictures.

Grandpa and Levi. Dad drove down from Montana on a few hours notice to be there, now that's love :)

What the heck is that on your head?!


lyn. said...

I was expecting to see a real "cake wreck" from your description, but was pleasantly surprised by the picture... I think the cake looks awesome - no classes needed!!

Kory said...

That cake is rad and congratulations Andrew!

Missy said...

Well, it's a helluva a lot better than anything I could do! Congratulations Andrew!