12 January 2011

Bowl throwing at its finest

If I only knew that all they needed was a blue plastic solo bowl to make them this happy I could have saved a wad of cash on their Christmas presents. Maybe I'll skip birthday presents this year and get them some plastic plates and what the heck, I might even throw in some plastic cutlery.... To be a kid again would be nice wouldn't it? Where your only worries consisted of getting to the "good kickball" before the other kids at recess, and making sure your troll dolls were properly outfitted.


Greg, Heather and Family..... said...

That is too cute! All they need is a box and some plastic bowls! Entertainment for hours! What cuties!

Missy said...

And our troll dolls were always properly outfitted.
Great video:)

Judd & Leslie Zimmerman said...

Missy, Oh yes, our trolls were the best dressed. And they had some pretty killer paper houses. Waahhhhaa! ah, memories.

Grandma Z said...

Kid giggles are better than chocolate, but both make life much more enjoyable.

Grandma Z