First off, our computer decided that it was done with this life and hopped on over to the other side to computer heaven. We didn't get a new one until today.
Levi is now almost 5 months old, and the size of Kennedy when she was a year old... After all his favorite thing to do is eat, and he does it A LOT. I'll post some pictures of him so you can see all the wonderful chub :)
Here is a picture of the kids doing what they do most often... Levi drooling and Kennedy Jumping. I swear that girl has pogo sticks for legs, remember those? She is always jumping.
Kennedy turned 2 :(. We had a Curious George party for her. I made my very first "non-rectangular" cake, and I have to say it looked and tasted amazing, I thought that I got a picture of it when it was all done, but I didn't. This was before I put George and the other monkeys on. She made out in the gift department, basically she got spoiled rotten. We got her one of those play kitchens, complete with pots and pans that make boiling/frying noises. Now she cooks dinner with her plastic food while I am cooking, unfortunately sometimes both dinners come out tasting the same.
I painted the house. Literally. I just couldn't stand how sad and dreary looking it was. It looked like a slightly under decorated haunted house. I have to say that our house is much more inviting now.
Our bathroom is FINISHED! This was the very last room in the house which needed to be conquered. And conquer we did. We did hang a mirror after I took these pictures, but eh, I'm too lazy to take more pictures.
I will let the BEFORE and AFTER pictures speak for themselves.
I started school again. It takes so much longer to do school when things like cooking dinner, changing diapers, laundry, changing more diapers, and doing more laundry get in the way. I should have been done with my BS (Love that it's called this :O) degree 2 years ago, but I took a much needed detour into motherhood. Only 6 more classes and I will be done, so look for a graduation announcement about 3 years from now.
Judd and I are now the proud owners of a fishing license. My dad left his little farm in Montana for a couple days to come down and take me fishing. I packed both kids with me, and even though you could hear the kids for miles away, and Kennedy spent most of the day wading through the water, we still managed to catch our limit. Judd caught his VERY FIRST FISH. Yea, the man is almost 30 years old and had never caught a fish. The look on his face was priceless, I felt as if I were looking at a 6 year old boy reeling in his first catch. We spend most of our free time fishing now, Judd has become addicted.
Our first fishing trip. Judd: one. Leslie: seven. :)
Judd's first fish!!!
My dad finished the illustrations for the children's book I wrote. Planning on getting it published, hopefully by Christmas, but who knows how long it will really take. Here is one of the finished pictures.
I have been training for a few half marathons. Last weekend my brother and I ran 10 miles through Provo canyon. Here is a picture of us after... He died along the way, it was nice to finally beat him at something (not that I am competitive or anything) I ran my first half marathon since having Levi, and I can't say that I was super happy with the time of 1:58.... Almost 20 minutes slower than my normal time. Oh well, wish me luck on the next one and hopefully I don't putter out and die... at least not until I cross the finish.
All in all things are going well here at the Zimmerman house.
Leslie, you are always doing so much! It's amazing you have time to blog at all.
First of all, your cake looks awesome. I've been dying to try something like that, but it's intimidating.
Secondly, good luck with school. I try to prepare my classes with Addie around and never get anything done.
Thirdly, your renovations look awesome :)
Fourthly, what is your children's book about? Have you got a publisher? That is so cool. You'll have to let us know when it's out.
Keep up the great work! I wish I lived closer, I would love to get together with you sometime.
You are amazing! The cake was adorable <3 your house looks awesome, inside and out! I had no idea you were writing a book! The illustrations are great! I can't wait to get me one. you go girl! xoxoxo
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