10 March 2010

Heart Attack

So I got a novel in the mail last week from T Mobile. I was thinking that it was just a very in depth explanation of our service, but when I opened it, this is what I found.... A BILL for 872.84!!!! I have never seen such a high phone bill, this is about how much it would cost for a whole year of service. Anyway, after having a mini-stroke I called them and got it all straightened out. Turns out that they messed up our "unlimited text" feature, so we were charged for EVERY single text.... And we text A LOT.


Whitney said...

wow! thats huge! I hate t-mobile sometimes!

Whitney said...
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Missy said...

yikes! That is a very scary bill...

Oertel said...

She's so cute (prior post)! And holy cow!! That's the biggest bill I've ever SEEN. Awesome. This is why I leave mom to wrangle with the phone folks and I just pay her. Much, much easier. :)