Ah... Cousins. Kennedy and Jocelyn chillin' in their diapers.

This was Kennedy's favorite spot in the whole house. She would go from picture to picture and jabber.

Judd and I after our ride, proof that I didn't die.

At the summit looking down on Denver.

A short stop during the ride. You can't really tell, but my legs are mutilated.

Ah, how sweet :) We had so much fun!

A picture of Judd in action, except he stuck out his tongue.... Boys, they always ruin perfectly good pictures.... But it's still cute :)

Looking down on Highway 70. It was so beautiful! I am now officially addicted to mountain biking. This was only my 6th time on a mountain bike, and my 2nd time riding clip less pedals, so I was pretty excited that I didn't die or deform myself more than I did. It was so nice to just get out and spend time together as friends. I love that I am married to my best friend... How cool is that?

Jeremy and Jocelyn. They are so well behaved and they get along so well.... Fingers crossed that's what my kids will be like.

At the Denver zoo with Lillian, Judd and the kids.

Judd made a little squirrel friend... A scene straight out of a Disney movie.


K sporting her new Denver Zoo hat.... I was a bad mom and forgot hers.... eh, good excuse to get another one right?

Jeremy and Elena

Why hello there!

Playing in the car at a rest stop. She did so well on the drive! Yay for sleeping babies :)
You're right, Ben ruins so many pictures by pulling faces! Your bike trip looks like a lot of fun, what a great vacation :)
Looks like you had tons of fun. You took such great pictures. You are so cute....we are so lucky to have you in the family. I love the picture of Kennedy looking up with her big blues, she is such a pretty baby (Probably the third prettiest little girl ever!!! :)
Fun, fun. I'm so glad Judd found his best friend and married her. You are a sport to keep with the biking until it grew on you. You will share many good times together on your bikes I'm sure. Where'd those big blues on Kennedy come from anyway? :) Yes, you're welcome.
Mom Z
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