17 June 2009

Now I know my ABC's

This is a video of my niece and nephew singing the ABC's. I think it's so hilarious that Jeremy pushes Elena behind him! Ahh, sibling rivalry, such a sweet thing :)

04 June 2009

Heights, speed, bed-head and dirt eating... What more could you ask for?

Judd raced his first ever down-hill mountain bike race over Memorial Day weekend at Sundance. He has been biking downhill for a few years now. Before that he raced cross country. I think that I would prefer him doing cross country.... There is far less chance of him looking like this after.... The story is far too long for me to want to type, but to make it short he fell... A LOT. He BOUNCED three times on his back and still managed to pull out a 9th place finish. His buddy Phil got second place (pictured).

A view from the lifts after the race was over. Judds parents are both afraid of heights, so it was really enjoyable watching them squirm ;).

I love this picture... Like father like son, both sporting thier goofy faces.

Getting ready to bike... Or so dad thinks. Most parents measure the height of the kids on the wall. Not Judd, he measures how long her legs are, so he knows when he can get her a bike. Oh, and the guy in the background looks so little doesn't he? Optical illusion.

Like daddy like daughter... Both covered in mud... although I am pretty sure that Judd didn't eat any ;)

At Sundance eating grass while waiting for dad to ride down.... I swear I'm a good mom, and I was watching her!

At Sundance waiting for dad to ride down.

My little teddy bear :)

Yes, it's true. Kennedy can climb up our stairs. She has been crawling for well over a month and makes her way around all of the furniture walking. She doesn't stay in one place very long before she is off exploring something new.
Kennedys first ever bed head. This picture kills me because she looks so out of it. :)