29 January 2010

Our Bathroom is.... FINISHED.

Ok, so these first pictures are of the main bathroom because we forgot to take before pictures of the master bath. So imagine something 10 times worse when you look at these pictures and that is what the master bath looked like.

It's so nice to finally have a nice bathroom. Judd did everything! My favorite part is the tile shower which is actually larger than what the picture makes it seem.


Breezy said...

Looks GREAT! I still can't get over the previous owners funny obsession with blue. HA

lyn. said...

I love the pedestal sink, and can I just say that I have never seen a toilet in the corner before!! I love it...

Judd & Leslie Zimmerman said...

HA! I know, even the air freshener thingy they left stuck to the counter is blue!

Shower Baths said...
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KT said...

YO!!! Looks fanfreakingtastic! :) Good work! p.s. love the new blog layout :) very cute

emilyfcutler said...

nice work, Judd. Leslie, your blog is great! Your little girl is so big!! I haven't seen her since Oertel's birthday or Eric's rugby game, which ever was more recent, which was still forever ago! AND now you have a new baby, I had no idea you were expecting. Congratulations. If he's as cute as his sister, your parenting years are only going to get harder!! May you recover quickly and get on to running!

Nolan Anderson said...

Wow, that sure is one major revamp you've done there for your bathroom. Hmm... Imagine the before-pics, huh.


Okay, it did get that major face lift. Congratulations for the new bathroom! Kudos to Judd for a job well done!